Xenia Xamanek Lopez is a Copenhagen-based badass of many experimental hats, each of which somehow more distinctly adventurous than the last. & While other projects of hers focus more on drones or a choral base, this particular monicker, “C. Cell” draws its power from several disciplines including (but not limited to) Basinskian harsh noise cycles, where destroyed loop eats decaying loop eats dying loop, spacious narrative compositions of swollen distortion, non-beats, and live, knob-tweaking shouts into the void, and some good ol’ fashioned Skinny Puppy vignette worship, where nasty drum machines and ever-tweaked, tonal phrases battle to the death.
Not for the faint of heart, if this striking piece (to be ingested in its entirety) doesn’t grip you thoroughly, right away, may I suggest Taking your Time and zoning out a bit? The intricacies didn’t reveal themselves to me until after a handful of listens all the way through, but, once I strapped on the headphones, all the subtleties came out in full reinforcement; then I became a believer. Sit tight!
-- Jacob An Kittenplan