I was really excited when I read that John Agnello had mastered this bad boy – I was hella ready for some throwback Jawbox-y shit, I truly was. You can forgive my confusion at the jangly indie rock that emanated from my speakers, then, and I did a head-fake double-take back at the j-card where I read: John Angelo.
Not John Agnello.
OK, deep breath, you can get through this.
The Midnight Vein is actually pretty A-OK, an indie throwback or two from Buffalo who definitely know their way around their local studio. I’m reminded of the fun melodic bands with acoustic guitars as main instruments that used to play with my much more electrified rock bands in high school and college. (One of those openers was a Dead Milkmen side project, not gonna lie.) Like Decemberists meets Citay, the Midnight Vein wind their psych folk through your wheelhouse, and you slug that thing right somewhere, it’s hitting its spot.
Drink some brews. Is Midnight Vein playing the local hotspot, the watering hole, the independent venue? Hell yeah, go see em. They’ve GOT to have a merch table with this tape. Buy it, don’t think
And hey, if you live in western NY, and you have $30, the Midnight Vein will HAND-DELIVER your tape and then throw a party for you. GAME. ON.
The Midnight Vein