“Demonic Operators, Hear My Voice”
C32 (self-released)

Baltimore trip metal noiseniks Blood on the Mercy Seat drop a three-track self-released, self-recorded, self-designed tape that positively brims with raw intensity. Utilizing all kinds of terrible instruments (sax, percussion, samples, loops, whatever they can probably get their hands on), BOTMS conjure atmospheres that are almost certain to cause fits of rage, epileptic seizures, religious ecstasy, or prolonged scientific inquiry. Surely intended to raise malevolent spirits, “Demonic Operators, Hear My Voice” is a message broadcast into the darkness, into the black, into the metaphysical realms where such operators, ranging in power and influence, reside. Judging from the tingling response I’m getting in my extremities, along with the sudden appearance of blood spraying from all parts of my body, I feel like these “Demonic Operators” are listening. We should probably be careful from here on out.

Blood on the Mercy Seat
