Duck You Sucker - "The Best Nice Fantastic Music Techno" (Physics Engine Records)

Great album - TERRIBLE title-kinda terrible group name. Duck You Sucker's The Best Nice Fantastic Music Techno is easily the worst title this tape could have gotten. I didn't want to listen to it, but I did of course and I'm glad. Imagine The Stooges and Atoms of Peace sharing a rehearsal space...(I believe the band's "Fast Clouds" even quotes "I Wanna Be Your Dog"). The music of Duck You Sucker is a stellar blend of electronics, jazz/rock, Krautrock, psychedelic jamming, wild rhythms, and weird sounds. Instrumentally this is just wonderful listening. Enough surprises are contained within to excite even the most cynical music nerd. A brief lead vocal on "Zoo" gets wrapped up in the atmosphere of sound exploration and doesn't come across as lead singer singing so much as just another piece of found audio, not my favorite track, but it works here. Basically, this is nice, fantastic music...

Buy and Listen HERE.