Fare Thee Well

Editor: We say goodbye to Jeff/Teflon Beast. He's done so much to keep CG alive over the last year or so. For now, please send submissions directly to the editor, but expect a new batch of writers soon. We're working on streamlining the whole process and getting even more content on the blog in the coming months.

Dear Readers,

This will be my last post. After one year of reviewing and listening to a wonderful, inspiring, crazy, broad spectrum of music released on cassette (and vinyl) I've decided to take a long break to focus on a myriad of personal projects. I'll get back to putting out stuff on my own tape label as well as furthering the musical mission of the collaborative bizarre-o podcast THIS JUST IN (AND WE'RE BACK)

Thanks for sending so much music my way! 

keep up with my activities on Twitter: @teflonbeast

Here are a few links to labels/tapes I didn't get to write about, but received recently: