VARIOUS ARTISTS Husoptagelser Vol. 2

If it weren't for Bandcamp, I'de know nothing about this tape. The insert has production credits,but no track listing. The tape itself is bare-on both sides. Rant concluded, this is a very good compilation of Danish electronica artists. There are actually fifteen tracks, all relatively short (under four minutes) and whoever did the sequencing should get a trophy. Here ya go-"Best Compilation Sequencing" 2016. You have thirty seconds to thank five hundred people...

The collection is very well produced, but again not credited. The tape, resultingly, plays well with a nice rich sound. This is a very limited edition release of only thirty. They are not numbered. The family from which it comes has a full page of releases on Bandcamp so if you're inclined toward innovative, occasionally melodic electronica check it out.
-- Bob Zilli