new ihaa release:
FRKSE - S/T c47 olive tape:
An amateur study in trash reappropriation and the power of gauze devotion, FRKSE stitches together the S/T cassette with garbage compacted drum breaks, soiled bass guitar riffs, synth piety, and rosewater drones to create a secret devotional hymn spanning about 40 minutes. With an early-era Swans like ferocity, the S/T appears on an olive tape anointed with post-religious artwork courtesy of Albane. A wondrous treat for those looking for a way out, the cassette version comes with two bonus tracks. Limited to 250.
Who is FRKSE?:
FRKSE is Rajbot - originally from Reno, NV - transported to Jamaica Plain, MA - FRKSE is a beat producer that is interested in metal/thrash/noise/experimental sounds. FRKSE is from India culturally and his style of musical sound bares distinct influence of India. FRKSE enjoys a good fallalfal from time to time and runs his own imprint "Divergent Series" and writes for UGS Mag.
(to buy/stream album)