I’m probably not allowed to use the term “video
mulching” when not referring to Luke Wyatt’s work (he’s also the lovely Torn
Hawk), but Garde Forestier, from FRANCE, has probably got a bunch of VHS player
guts strewn all about his workstation. What he does with those guts is
anybody’s guess – maybe he tells the future like fortune tellers do with fowl
entrails, only the future told by the innards of obsolete technology is far
weirder and perhaps way more dangerous. (Unless of course the fowl entrails
foretell, like, imminent death or dismemberment or something. Pretty bad
stuff). It’s a future where the downtrodden citizens of a re-serf’d society
fish through the garbage presets of Casio knockoffs that never got beyond the
prototype stage in order to please their benefactors with the weirdest and
wildest musical concoctions. If you can imagine this story as a Broadway
rendition, you should – it’s probably the best place for it. Blade Runner’s Broadway, of course. Did
you know they’re making a Blade Runner sequel?
Garde Forestier’s horrific soundtrack warbles would work wonders in that
environment. Heck, they could provide the perfect backdrop for a Blade Runner musical, starring Neal
Patrick Harris as Rick Deckard and Lin-Manuel Miranda as Rutger Hauer. I’d be
on board with that. I probably have the director’s cut around here on video
somewhere – I’ll send it to our boy
Garde, and he can cue up some Vangelis scenes and run ’em through the ol’ meat
--Ryan Masteller