Paco’s music is much more interesting than I expected it to be.
Terrible moniker (The Cradle?), terribly produced “j-card.” What do you do?
Hope it’s not another garbage fire that’ll ruin yet another cassette player. Well, I’ve got good news for all of you on
the other side of this: my tape player still works. Still spitting out music,
sometimes like a real jerk, like a jackass. That’s the stuff I don’t like. Paco
– well, he somehow channels a wide-eyed innocent version of the brothers
Kinsella, sometime before Joan of Arc,
Dick Cheney, Mark Twain. It’s pleasantly indie, pleasantly low-key emo, and
all around bookwormy in the neatest of ways. Get past the “book-by-its-cover”
nonsense if you really want to live your life like an American Football. An
AMERICAN FOOTBALL. Get it? They just put out a new album not too long ago.