GREYON GREENE “Humidity” C18 (We Be Friends)


Hey. This is how it’s hitting us now. C18 – EP length. I’m in the path of hurricanes sometimes, Eta as I’m writing this (it’ll be a bunch of broken-up fragments when it hits, so it won’t hit hard), and as such I’m used to humidity. I’m used to paint peeling and wax warping, magnetic tape losing its integrity as moisture builds and builds and builds in the air. I’m used to what Greyon Greene’s got going on here, dripping synths and moisture beading on my window as the front advances. Smears of liquid pantone across splashed wood hitting metal for reassurance, for balance, even if it’s not real, even if it’s generated by computers or machines. Humidity is real, it hangs in the air, it gets in our lungs and weighs down our hair, which is long now, so long and annoying. And curly. Who knew how curly my hair would be if I let it grow! Greyon Greene tightens the curls, makes the sweat drip. Cracks light into prisms as it struggles across the leaden space. Hopefully provides nice, cold drinks at the end of all of this. Because we’re really, really gonna need em.