Side B has a less calculated vibe, and is surely the more eardrum friendly part of the tape for most. Synths squelch and bleep on in circles, weaving between woozy piles of muffled sounds and gated rhythms. All the while a deep rumbling of drum machines and other thuds try and keep up with the pack, until things finally fizzle out. This is an compromised album without any particular set of boundaries, and I think fans of Dead Machines, TG and Yellow Swans will probably really dig this. Limited run, hurry and get one from
Seven Lies About Girls "The Process Of Weeding Out" c32 (Teen Action)
S.L.A.G. is back with another ace speaker crippler via- Teen Action Records. "The Process Of Weeding Out" begins it's jaunt with"Your Last Affront", a soaring synth drone with some eerie delayed vocals and a thick humming bass rhythm to match. Influence is vague, but it kind of reminded me of the tamer TG moments until "Screw The Law" came chugging away like a distorted jackhammer. Heavy, blown out guitars(?) are in control, and a pummeling percussive element carries them away in a sack to who knows where, as your speakers are pushed to their limit. You have my attention.