MAZUT "#2"

This tape proudly proclaims if was recorded live in one take. Well, no shit. The raccoon in my garage could play two notes on a synth over a monotonous simplistic beat. There are four tracks of this, and once into track knew I brightened up momentarily at the thought that I was just an EP. But the four tracks are l-o-n-g! Very long. And all sound alike.

The Indy recording phenomena has yielded a lot of great music, especially on cassette. Artists you could never hear otherwise and I am deeply indebted to the DIY'ers for doing what they do. This, however, isn't one of those great finds. Oscillators still ring in my ears, hours after (I hereby confess) I listened to "almost" all of this tape.

This is not music. This is bad art. Soundscapes. But only one idea regurgitated four times. Four LONG times. Thankfully this is one of only twenty. There are nineteen sorry folks somewhere, or, more likely, nineteen more tapes in a shoebox in somebody's closet.

This artist would say I didn't give it a chance. That I don't get it. I don't. There's nothing to get.

How many stars? Can we use negative numbers?

--Bob Zilli

Cassette Gods, bringing music and music lovers together since 2007. 
