The DIY spirit, alive and well, maybe I came of age in the back of a mediocre pizza-chain parking lot. We’d been skating for hours in Southwestern Ohio humidity, so, of course, it was night. His girlfriend delivered, and/or answered the phone, & he’d just gotten his license.
Panting, we slumped down into the front row. He turned the key half-way & pressed play. Beck’s “Stereopathetic Soul Manure” returned, in surround sound, & we ritualistically ate up those skits with just as much fervor as the anthemic “Satan Gave Me a Taco”…maybe even more so.
I think it was the “…weedwhackers…we stole…two of ‘em…” vignette that had just finished before Timmot pressed stop and spontaneously/monotonously pronounced “Safety pins...” leaving just enough pause for me to intuit
and join in
with a cocksure, “don’t you feel
I then sat back in his passenger’s seat and felt utterly fulfilled as a partner in chyme.
This “Mike Piss” release is yet another of Kevin Oliver’s manic sharings, and is both cheek-pierced-by-tongue-ingly brilliant and concertedly playful, with pop-tropes massaged & origami’d into easily digestible hokey-hooky-hooks for anyone willing to give such rawness its proper fucking due. It has served as fuel for the flux-capacitor, rocketing me back to the ‘90s, when “lo-fi” was a genre, not just an excuse.
Sonically, brilliant notes of prime Sonic Youth & Swearing @ Motorists are scattered throughout this tape, while poignant lyrics (both the bizarre and the transformative) are exercised judiciously. The DIY spirit, so alive and swell.
RIYL GBV and pretty much any good ol’ time. “Good Summer” is the fucking jaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm!!!
-- Jacob An Kittenplan