MEGABRETH “Ultra High Noise” (Field Hymns)

File under: pun rock. That “k” is missing on purpose, buddy! Listen up, because this is the ghost of Cassette Store Day future talking to you here – I’m here to tell you that you’ve done wronged the world, and your doom is upon you. Repent, “fix your heart or die,” and Megabreth is your reward! Seriously, if you’re wandering through your local Urban Outfitters (how am I typing with a straight face) and you don’t spot “Ultra High Noise” on the shelf, there’s something dreadfully wrong with the world and you probably have to go back in time and fix it. Or, if you do spot it in the appropriate position of massive endcap next to the cash register and you decide that you’re better off buying some dumbass Burger Records horsecrap, you should also go back in time and adjust whatever stupid thing you did to get you to this place.

If your favorite thing about Megabreth is the song titles, I wouldn’t blame you. Who doesn’t love tracks with titles like “Ride’em All, Kill the Lightning”? Or “Butterfly with Mullet Wings”? Or “Light My Wire”? Or, heck, non-punny ones like “Spacefist”? But you’d be partially in the wrong still, because you’ve stopped before listening (haven’t you). Megabreth crushes these math rock/post punk tracks on their foreheads like beercans, barreling through them like Oneida or Trans Am-a-lama-ding-dong riding no wave unicycles through puke valley. And you can trust me on that, because I don’t even know what that means! It’s a feeling with these guys, one that you can feel in your heart and your feet. Probably your butt too. Strap in, feel the Gs, and spend Cassette Store Day not regretting the choices you made in an alternate timeline. Because you can always go back and fix it if you have to.

Field Hymns

--Ryan Masteller