Coastal California, early ‘90s.
Surfy skate-punk & tamer thrash
a ubiquity throughout A-circle’d
mixtape collections.
Louisville, KY, right fucking now.
Three young lads standing along the
Ohio River, rabidly flossing their chompers
with the magnetic strips of these mixtapes,
ingesting* through bloody gums
just miles and miles of
Kyuss, Dead Kennedys,
Offspring & the likes.
--Jacob An Kittenplan
* Which is to say that this hefty, full-on sprint of a six song EP plays must like a pretty sweet skater’s compilation album, with modestly varying punk/metal guitar disciplines mastered & meshing together, & with such a diverse array of vocal styles varying from song to song that there doesn’t seem to be a specific “voice” to the overall outfit, aside from passionate and energetic.