JEREMY YOUNG “Dizzy, Congested Musick” C40 (Neologist Productions)
Just as the list of decimals between zero and one are infinite, so too are the needle-and-groove’s expressions in relation to time and amplification levels. Jeremy Young knows this. He knows what a serious noggin’-scratchin’ that that shifting of revolutions can elicit. How disorienting it feels to witness an established reality rendered just beyond recollectable interpretation. To neuter melody and drag rhythm lurching and squealing onto another plane entirely.
“Dizzy, Congested Musick” is an other-wordly narrative sound collage, cobbled together by old LP plunderphonics/turntablism, vintage oscillators, field recordings, found tapes, & a pinch of electric guitar. It is as hummable and memorable as a recurring dream of alzheimer’s. It is the panic’d discombobulation of a dyslexic trapped under a tipped-over Guttenberg press. It is wily, discomfiting, spell-binding, and fan-fucking-tastic.
And to sweeten the experience, these captivating sounds are accompanied by an exemplary physical curation, too, of a gorgeous avocado green envelope filled with wild typography that's printed on fancy, marbled card stock. A pretty sweet head-fuckin’, for sure!
-- Jacob An Kittenplan