I’ve got nothing for these guys – can you imagine what an Internet
search turns up for “Quit Thinking”? A lot of self-help psychiatric nonsense,
that’s what. “How to Quiet Your Mind and Quit Thinking So Much.” “Stop Thinking
So Much.” “5 Motivation-Killing Thoughts You Must Stop Believing.” For a
Scientologist like me, this all sounds pretty terrible, since, you know, we
hate psychiatry (quacks!). (Just kidding, I’m not a Scientologist. But Beck
is.) Good thing it has nothing to do with the music on this tape.
Maybe it’s good that there’s nothing out there on these cats. Here are
the personnel: Blondie – drums; K – guitar; Jim – guitar. “Rec at Dumpbucket
Pub.” Released as “logcabinrecordings009.” Nothing on them either.
Again, all for the best. The guitars are overdriven, over-effected, and
warbly, and the drums are nonexistent on side A, and barely coherent on side B.
The recording? Perhaps someone brought a boombox to the pub and hit record while
the band did whatever it’s doing. Each side is a “jam,” on a couple of chords.
Are you friends with this band? If so, this tape is for you – it’s a
noisy reminder of a fun night at the pub. Don’t know this band from me? Well –
hang on, I want to wait until Blondie, K, Jim, and their pals are out of the
room. I’ll tell you about it in a sec. They’ve had their fun, so let’s leave
them in their blissful ignorance.
Are they gone now? Great – don’t bother with this hunk of unlistenable
garbage. I feel bad for saying that, because I hate slagging on people, but a
musical artifact for the masses this ain’t.
--Ryan Masteller