Oh… THE VACATION is dedicated to the memory of Ray Bradbury. He was one of the authors who inspired me most when I was an adolescent – the reveries, the danger, the unabashed hope, I think, in the end.
Oh, Oleksiy Sakevych – how on earth did you capture the exact nature of Bradbury’s tone and mood and feeling and … endless melancholy of growing up and realizing that the dreams you had were foolish and unrealistic? But in Bradbury’s alternate universe, they were not only possible but probable – “The Martian Chronicles,” “Dandelion Wine,” “Something Wicked This Way Comes” – all evoke childhood, or at least the status quo (potentially of childhood), ending and responsibility stretching out before you like a black, viscous lake. Take that responsibility and shove it. Let’s go to Mars, or let’s indulge in magic.
THE VACATION is steeped in nostalgia, synthesizers and textured tones like old, scratchy postcards flitting across the consciousness and telling stories within their moments, true stories that reflect the best books you’ve read and gotten lost in and will always have as a part of you. “They had wakened one morning and the world was empty,” “Stillness mixed with stillness,” “‘Wouldn’t we be lonely?,’” “His voice faded,” “Sunflower wilderness,” “Earth that was now no more than a meadow” – the titles extend the narrative beyond the sound, beyond the memory, until “And he had walked her through the still and empty city streets” admits the ending is somber but far from over. That’s all we want here. That’s what Bradbury gave us. Kudos to Endless Melancholy for capturing that in sound.
Endless Melancholy
--Ryan Masteller