Mike Haley’s been tending productive noise gardens for a li’l short of a decade now, most notably as label head of 905 Tapes (a forfuckingserious propagator for East Coast experimental noise acts) as well as his monocker, Wether. Here, he’s chilled out sliiiightly, dropping a half-hour pre-pre-panic attack on Pittsburgh, PA’s bad ass White Reeves Productions, and it’s perfectly fitting.
“Perception Shifts”, I posit, asks you to consider what the term “pulse” means to you, while listening to these disparate timbres of proudly nervous arpeggios, slow-motion triangle waves, nearly imperceptible flickerings of trebly squares, and the slight of hand shifting between dissonant and consonant bodies in transormation. What feels almost repulsive, and how impulsive was it to register? How do these signals interact as they pass each other by? Best with headphones and a few hours to re-adjust before bedtime.
WRP + 905T = another great study in psycho-acoustic sound sculpture. The artwork’s pretty great, to boot!
-- Jacob An Kittenplan