St. Petersburg’s Atariame conjures up one certifiable, sparklingly-spooky trip through a haunted woodland, where things that go bump in the night echo their trebly scratching via vintage drum machines; where the hoots & howls of unseen beasts are synthesized through a foggy, decaying warble & bounced off every mossier trees. Our hosting Russian High Priestess assures us through a stoic half-chant that we are to venture deeper and deeper on into these wooded song structures; it’s okay to get lost in the energetic meditations, okay to give up catchy hooks for ethereal moodiness-mask fittings, okay to will those sagging note-branches back to their more sonorous positions with labored chin raisings. We do not have to understand the first few times around, but we will, and we will return again and again. “Atariame”. Whisper it three times into your compact mirror and snap it shut, as the sun sets.
-- Jacob An Kittenplan