Minimum fidum, the bedroom
acoustic musician strain of Homo sapiens,
observed in his natural habitat. Cleanly picked acoustic guitar with few
embellishments. Sad, very sad songs. It’s OK to be sad sometimes. I’m sad
sometimes. The moments where I’m sad, I imagine I’m a new strain of Homo sapiens myself, Tristitia hominis. Am I blowing your
mind with all this Latin yet? I shouldn’t be. The computer’s on, internet
browser’s active. Gently picked acoustic songs, sometimes with embellishments
(like drum machines) are playing. I don’t know what made Field Medic, aka Kevin
Patrick, so sad – something to do with a dentist in LA, presumably? It’s OK
everybody, hugs. I see you got a Colin Meloy vibe goin’ on in the vocal
regions. He’s a swell cat. A Tumescente
cattus, if you will.
--Ryan Masteller