I can’t read any of these liner notes because I decided to take German
in high school instead of Spanish. (Sue me, I’m German. Our language is
romantic.) Thankfully there’s a nice English explanation over at the OSR page,
so now I know that Cristina Plaza is Daga Voladora’s mastermind and that she’s
from Spain. Which explains the liner notes. Here’s another neat tidbit I’ve
learned from the page: “chiu-chium” is the onomatopoeic representation of the
sound made by a flying dagger, “una daga voladora” in Spanish. What a
coincidence! I betcha Cristina Plaza has a copy of Zhang Yimou’s House of Flying Daggers (with Spanish
subtitles of course) that she watches on repeat. It would make a lot of sense.
Anyway, Plaza makes incredibly lush, sometimes fuzzy bedroom pop, a
triumph for the medium. Plaza’s warm voice coos over the enchanting melodies,
and the only hint that this might be a one-person four-track project comes in
the form of the clearly Casio beats at times. But hey, that all adds to the
charm, and I’ve definitely been won over, even though I can’t understand a word
Plaza’s singing. Looks like music is turning out to be the universal language.
Take that, love! And, uh, mathematics. Oh, and keep your eyes peeled for those
flying daggers – they’re silent until they strike.
--Ryan Masteller