Hey, guess what, I'm also going to start reviewing vinyl on here. Why? When Cassette Gods was started, most of the artists we were "encouraging" could barely afford a pot to piss in, let alone a deluxe vinyl release, but the music world has changed and more and more folks are turing to vinyl as their go to medium. Well I don't suspect the LPs to all of a sudden start pouring in, let it be known that I will never review web submissions (notice how none of us put our email address up here?) and I will review every vinyl submission I receive.
Cruise Whisp "Cruise Kontrol" - this one definitely falls into the "realer than real" category. Laura Bradford is a Western Mass show going mainstay, but only rarely ventures out into the realm of actually getting it together long enough to put on a decent set. Actually the last time I saw her she was anything but decent, breaking eggs all over her tits on the front porch of a house. It was awesome. This tape is the best recording I've heard of her: a fantastic pint of home-brewed tunage with some fucked up guitar over randy keyboard lines. Yeah the keyboard is the new guitar, but I don't give a flyin' toot cause this tape makes me boogie like "Truckin" from "Europe '72". This is the tape that made me not want to quit writing for Cassette Gods. Write Cruise Whisp via the internet at LBradford86@gmail.com and get your self a slice of something that doesn't reek of poseurism. DO IT. or at least listen to a tune here. But there's a picture of a pussy on the cover, so...

Anonymous Dog Records - this is a new label that just popped up overnight with 4 strong releases that are all in my possession. First off, there's a double release by Russian weirdos, Asian Woman on the Telephone who traffic in absurdist rock grooves. More so, Anonymous Dog looks to be the home of the New No Wave, as it features two skronky bands that I've been blown away by live and who could have played at the legendary Artist's Space showcase back in the "day". Providence based Holy Sheet is a totally skinny and pale looking trio of sexy kids who play guitar, bass and drums like wasted hyenas, hopefully they can stay alive long enough to play a few more shows! Signal Break is a now defunct band who's guitarist and singer is now rocking it even harder in Sediment Club, who is as good if not better than Mars or DNA. The only thing is that both of those bands happened over 30 years ago! It's all good though, because I think these kids haven't even heard of them! Really outstanding stuff here. You can see Sediment Club open for Suicide in NY this fall, or for Jandek & R. Stevie Moore at the Cropped Out fest in Louisville this September. The last tape in my stack is an EP by the ever astounding Guerilla Toss, whose drummer "Pedro" Negroponte, is the Anonymous Dog label-head. Again, fantastic stuff from this prog-noise-metal-jamband. The music on "Jerry Died For Our Sins" consists of a few tracks from their upcoming Feeding Tube Records LP. GET THAT when it comes out, but get the tape now if you can't wait. Website here, click on the tape image to purchase. Samples up too.
VCO Recordings - Wow, out of all the keyboard crap floating around the blogosphere, the work of Steve Moore (Zombi, "Gianni Rossi") stands way way above pretty much every other scumbag out there. His fake Italian horror soundtracks "Star Vehicle" and "Gutterballs" on Permanent Vacation are some of my favorite records of recent memory. This tape I've got here under his own name is called "Primitive Neural Pathways" and it's pretty solid. I'm going to forgive it for being similar to Jean Michel Jarre's "Oxygene," because, hell, that's one of my favorite records. The VCO label has a classy look and everything sounds really "dank." Current releases are also available by Andy & Zeus, Brainstorm and Long Distance Poison. Check 'em out here

The Johns "Level 2"- no-fi artwork (hand written song titles) on a generic cassette and j-card, but guess what, it's good! Screw you photoshop. This probably isn't actually a release but I'm going to review it anyway. Who are The Johns? Real fucking people/person, that's who! I mean it's not the greatest thing I've ever heard, but it's got some music songs and lots of comedy skits that are completely weird and have great/stupid production. What, the second song is rap music? Wow this is so stupid and cool. I love you The Johns. "Mushroom comedy album." Touche. Web presents.

Tronics "Love Backed By Force" - what a cool thing! A reissue of this classic self released weirdo "punk" album, originally released in 1981. This is the guy who did that awesome "Shark Fucks" song, maybe you heard that. Available on LP/CD from What's Your Rupture? and on cassette from Burger Records. yeah! Actually I think Burger is sold out, but you can find the tape somewhere I'm sure. I found my at Armageddon in Providence. The LP version is still in print and it's cheap, go ahead and get it!
That's all for now. Maybe more soon.