“Vision Magic Voyage”
(Weird Ear)

Side A is Summer Jam 2015. One long piece that has recurring themes/feels/melodies. It kind of shifts between a.) self-help new-age spiritual business guru spirit cleansing workshop in the desert, b.) Kermit’s nephew singing about the beauties of life on the lilly pad, and c.) Link from Legend of Zelda going through a field to battle a bearded deity, serenaded by really nice miniature Viking trolls. No shit.

There’s definitely parts that Paul Simon would approve of. There’s definitely parts that Brian Wilson would approve of.

This is a total keeper from first listen. Does this guy have a Myspace?

Recommended if you like: optimistic desert chants, glittery electronic sputtering, feel-great hum-alongs, ridiculously epic multi-layer vocals and whistling, proggy children’s music, hopeful medieval cartoon sitcom themes, etc.

Dope jammers. Side B should be the soundtrack to The Labyrinth. Or the music at the end of a video game, where the main character has finished a long voyage & is contemplating what lies ahead. The ending credits are rolling. End game.

-- Garrison Heck