As a rule, Charles Barabé’s releases are not to be missed, and this
collaboration with Justin Wiggan (Roadside Picnic) is no exception. Though put
out by Warsaw’s “Wounded Knife” label, it’d fit far more easily on the Orange
Milk roster, as the level of abstract weirdness is astronomically high.
Destroyed sound samples fade in and out, manic drum machines and synth
arpeggiations sputter in, then jerk to a hault, and cosmic transmissions
intermingle with things-that-go-bump-in-the-night. This shit is pretty
brilliant and well, well worth some serious deep listening.
Damn shame that the tape’s already sold out because the art on the
J-Card is stellar! I’ll cross my fingers in hopes that it gets re-issued on
Vinyl so the drawing can be bigger.
-- Jacob
An Kittenplan