First off, you gotta read the back story for this tape (click on the
bottom link), as it’s a wonderfully glib tale of solitude, disassociation,
creativity and perseverance. Secondly, if you haven’t heard Joel Spiegelman’s
“New Age Bach: The Goldberg Variations”, you’re either in for a real treat or a
spiritual hissy fit. Either way, looks like you’ve got some rad homework to do!
Jöns’ “Music For Euronews” is less homage than it is a progressive,
seamless collage of past synth tropes and contrapuntal discipline made fresh
and new by modular warble and brilliantly mixed textures of all academically
emotional hues. Is it Neon-Classical Avant-Garde moog worship? Psychedelic New
New New Age Prog? Minimal Drone with a touch of the ‘Lectronicas? All of the
Above? Pigeon hole all y’all want; just know that this here shit is pretty
genius and a consistent head-trip, every single time, so break out them good
headphones and a candle.
-- Jacob
An Kittenplan