“Music for Octavio Paz” meets “the Glass Bead Game” in this
drop-dead-fucking-gorgeous exercise for attacking and caressing a plethora of
trembling, sympathetic strings. Is he bowing a cello, or that very same 12-string
guitar? &How’s come so many wildly differing timbres, expertly culled from
steel, nylon, & paired octaves, fit so perfectly now, where they’ve always
otherwise sounded competitive and distracting?
Organically recorded and produced (well, pretty much), this EP is a
brilliant taster for what could very well be the torch-passing from Ben Chasny
and James Blackshaw’s former Psychedelic/American-Primitive feats to this UK
newblood, Andy Cartwright, aka Seabuckthorn.
The physical tape is (rightfully) already sold out, so keep an eye out
for anything in the works.
-- Jacob
An Kittenplan