Dark Tropicals is a dense
vision from African Ghost Valley, the duo irradiating jungle landscapes with
their noxious sonics, enveloping territories with complete twilit atmospherics.
To remove oneself from the concept of Dark
Tropicals would be wasteful – the words have meaning, whispered under
breaths as totemic mantras, each syllable a powerful spell cast on listener and
vicinity alike. Life creeps, burdened by poisons unleashed by humans. Life
recedes, all of it, as intelligences higher than ours increase the
concentration of our chemical annihilation so that we, too, succumb to the
encroaching uninhabitability. I’m such a downer today.
But dang, turns out if you let all this icky-sticky-ness leak into your
mainframe, the resulting output sounds pretty cool, at the very, very least.
Maybe this mass eradication is the cure for what ails the ol’ planet, or at
least it’s the last gasp before we turn our top-of-the-food-chain-status
certificates, the ones we all have laminated and stored neatly in our home
offices, over to the hyperintelligent machines doing all that eradicating. The
tropics have rotted, life is on the brink. It’s Terminator 2: Judgment Day, but without the happy ending! (I forget
– did T2:JD have a happy ending?)
African Ghost Valley is anticipating the end. Bass bubbles form the
foundation, and synthesizers pierce them with impunity. Dark Tropicals decays and rots before our ears. Become enmeshed in
the decline.
--Ryan Masteller