So, I did me some investigating and found next to zero info on Wingéd
Ma’at, save a bunch of reviews that focused on their Ancient Egyptian
aesthetic. While some sounds found herein perhaps maybe could have been
captured within the dusty, reverberant catacombs under Giza, they just as well
could have been conjured up in abandoned warehouses and midnight parking
garages, as the synth arpeggiations and major key melodies are strictly
western. Exotification aside, the beatless melding of synth and heavily treated
guitar-meanderings (and I’m talking delay pedals for daaaays here, folx) recall
the head-lolling Harmonia and some of the better Tangerine Dream dronescapes,
with the brighter layers mixed well enough to reveal a darkness that doesn’t
command attention the first time around, which is pretty rad, I think. Great
soundtrack for an urban hike!
-- Jacob
An Kittenplan