“Flying In Place” C40
(Shadow Trash Tape Group)

Fidelity Astro is a cut-chemist extraordinaire, magically transitioning beatscape after beatscape after beatscape at as breakneck a speed as anyone could Possibly string together disparate grooves and STILL maintain a CHILL vibe. It’s truly magical. 

To be honest, I’m not generally big on “beat tapes”, but Fidelity Astro has consistently reminded me that repetition and conformity are tools only defaulted to by the inexperienced; Fidelity Astro is wise beyond all years, and “Flying In Place” hovers above all past accomplishments in an ever-evolving serenity achievable only by true mastery.

You want layers within layers that only reference each other at key intervals? FA’s got it. You want jazzy, soulful cuts and polyrhythmic/West African percussives? Check that one off, too…Mix/master wizardry on the Hi-Fi tip? Uh-huh. Bangers that can be napped along with AND yet still also blearily act as relaxants that elicit metronomic, mantric nods once awakened? Done and Done!

Fidelity Astro is downright S-L-I-C-K, and you don’t have to love the groove to fall in love with them. Headphones up & onward!


— Jacob An Kittenplan